About Me

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I'm a substitute teacher who loves technology, animals, books, and baking, and who is OBSESSED with The Big Bang Theory.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Not much to post about today.
I was out and about too much to take pictures of my meals.
I managed to not do too badly, but I still went over my recommended caloric intake today.
My grand total is 1,383 cals.
It was a very long day.
We took the kids to the park, and it was super hot.
Not to mention that one of the kids decided it was a good idea for my service dog, a ten-year-old black Lab, to go down one of the slides.
She rolled all the way down.
As a result, she's done going to that job with me.
I refuse to put the most important thing in my life in danger.
I'm still reading "Safety in Numbers", and I can't seem to put it down!
I just got done watching the opening mass for Fortnight for Freedom (or some such thing) on EWTN.
Very interesting!
I'm into learning as much as I can about the Catholic faith before I undergo RCIA in August.
I realize my thoughts are incredibly scattered.
All I have to say to that is, "Welcome to my brain!"
I'm going to go read some more.
I hope everyone had a wonderful day! :)

Monday, June 20, 2016

I thought to add to the blog, I'd begin taking pictures of my meals and snacks each day, to keep me accountable.
So here are today's meals and snacks, in the order they were consumed, with calorie counts.

Breakfast: coffee w/ French vanilla creamer, peaches in strawberry gel. 127 cals.

Lunch: Broccoli cheddar soup, pineapple, and 1% milk. 576 cals.

Snack: Blue raspberry Popsicle. 50 cals.

Dinner: Foot long hot dog on bun w/ mustard, grilled pineapple. 520 cals.

For a grand total of...1,273 calories! 
Not bad for the first day of weight loss eating.
Today, overall, was good.
I walked into work to discover I hadn't been put on the schedule, so I'm essentially creating my own shift of 8-3 this week, haha!
The kids were very well behaved today, which was miraculous for a Monday.
Tomorrow we're taking them to a local park for the day, which is always an interesting time.
Also stopped by the hotel right down the street from my house, to ask if they offered membership to their fitness center and pool.
They don't. :(
Guess I'll check into some of the other local hotels tomorrow. 
I'd really like to swim as a form of exercise!
Now I plan on spending my evening watching the TV show Cops, and reading. 
Current book is "Safety in Numbers", it's really good!
Hope everyone's day was fabulous. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

I can't tell you how many of these blogs I've created.
Countless ones, over the years.
All trying to accomplish the same thing.
Skinny, in the hope I'd find a love for myself.
But so much has changed.
I'm engaged to a wonderful man who loves me for who I am, and doesn't expect me to change.
I've finally proven myself in the adult working world, and landed a full time teaching position.
And I've finally reconnected with God and Jesus, and am finding myself spiritually and faithfully.
I've figured out that it's not about skinny.
It's about health.
I've done this more times than I can count.
Sometimes by starving myself, which would work for a little while, then I'd get tired and gain it all back.
Sometimes the healthy way, which would work, but then I'd get distracted by this or that, and would gain it all back.
This time, I have so much to gain, and nothing to lose by jumping in again.
I know that He (God) thinks I'm beautiful, but I want to be able to see myself through His eyes, and agree that I am beautiful.
So, here we go again.
This is going to be a sort of dumping ground for a lot of things on my mind, maybe faith related, maybe food related, maybe weight or exercise related.
It's hard to tell.
But it's my blog, so it's what I make it.
Tonight is my initial weigh in, I have to get this weight back off, I want to be healthy again.
I'm 4 ft. 11 in. tall.
My starting weight is 177 lbs.
I want to make myself into something beautiful...for Him. <3